It took us an hour to go through one round of turns, just getting used to the mechanics and rules of the game but after that it really picked up speed and came to a thrilling conclusion! The next time we play, however, we will probably just have 4 players to speed it up and so those who didn't really enjoy the game (Grandma and Sister) can sit out.
Below are several pictures of the games exciting conclusion with annotations beneath each photo (photos are clickable).
The black piece was controlled by my younger sister who hadn't done much all game. This was about her fourth turn and each go she had rolled a 1 on the movement dice and so hadn't encountered any Zombies yet. When the helicopter card is pulled out, it is placed by the player with the least number of zombie kills (you can also win by killing 25 Zombies) and naturally, she placed it next to her although there were 9 Zombies placed on the card, 3 of which she would have to battle to reach the helicopter and escape to victory! She ended up dying and then she gave up and left the game.
After my Sister's character had died, there was then a race on to the finish, with the path cleared. But three of the players kept playing cards on each other to move them back so they couldn't reach the helipad.
At the end of your turn, you role a dice to see how many Zombies you can move 1 space each and with this, players moved zombies in to attack my Dad (the Red piece) to try and stop him reaching the helipad (you must kill the Zombie in the middle square of the helipad to get in the helicopter). In order to win, he had to role 5+ on a D6 so he could make it to the helicopter and he rolled a 6. He then had to battle against 4 zombies and win each battle to move on another space. At this point he played his Shotgun card which increased his attack role and gave him additional bullets to try and ensure victory. He managed to battle through all 4 Zombies before reaching the helicopter and taking off, leaving his fellow survivors behind to face certain death. A pretty awesome ending to a film don't you think?
The photo above shows the end of the game with my Dad (red piece) reaching the centre of the helipad tile and winning the game. I was the yellow piece at the back (I had been at the top of the board, bashing some skulls) but I didn't feel bad when I had 'lost'. I hadn't died during the entire game (if you get killed, you just start again, minus half the zombies you've already killed. I never died and had the most life remaining and had killed the most zombies.
It's a really enjoyable game and I can't wait to play it again!
Overall Rating: 5/5
Rules: Simple and methodical
Time to learn rules: 1 hour (whilst play testing)
Average game time: The game, had we played through without stopping would have taken between 30 mins and an hour.
Max players: 6
Recommended by me: 4 (to speed things up and make it more interesting)
It sounds like an excellent game and I'd like to give it a shot. Quick and simple is the name of the game for me now days.
I had a little trawl around on the net for the game and found a site which looks like the designer (Twilight Creations Inc ?) but I'm not sure exactly what to download or if the site is even still active (it looks out of date).
Would you mind telling me where you ordered the game from and how much it costs now days ?
Thanks for sharing and for your help.
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Thanks for the comment Sigmar. I look forward to playing the game again this Christmas, this time with my younger cousins who should love it!
You're right, Twilight Creations do make the game. I think I got it either from Amazon or eBay. It was between £15 and £20 but be careful. Make sure you buy the original game as there are a number of expansion packs available and so can be a little tricky to decifer which is which.
This the version I've got:
Thanks very much for coming back to me Consul.
You're spot on, it's all of the expansion packs that are confusing me.
I'll look for the same box cover as you're got.
Thanks again,
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